Five Myles Gallery
“EnVironmental Memorial”
Five Myles Gallery, Brooklyn, NYC, “Environmental Memorial” Installation view, February 25- March 26, 2023
…..”like time and change,” sand-cast bronze with some steel elements, 5 ft 3’’ x 10 ft x 6 ft;
(on wall )“The Surge”, oil and acrylic on canvas, 6 ft x 6 ft 1,” 2021
“Clear Cut”,Linden, ash, cherry and walnut installation; (on wall) painting, oil on canvas- mounted on stretcher 165 cm x 165 cm (65” x 65”) 2021
(right on wall) “Angkor Roots”, pastel, acrylic canvas on stretcher, 7ft x 5 ft 7”, 2009/2022
(on wall) Storm Source, 5ft x 6ft, oil on canvas on stretcher, 2020
“Garden of Engaged Forms”, Delaware River Limestones ( one with entwined Bronze 37” x 28” x 20”); composite red Lava (with entwined Bronze 45” x 35” x 30”) smaller Cocina and Red Lava installation
"Clear Cut" oil on canvas- mounted on stretcher 165 cm x 165 cm (65” x 65”) 2021
“Sanibel Island” pastel, archival Rives BFK paper, 36” x 28”, 2019